RT Youth

RT Youth

RT Youth focuses on connecting teens with Christ through servanthood. Teens will find a safe environment where they can grow in Christ and begin to step out into the plans that He has for them. 
We encourage teens to get involved in different ministries as they allow God to use them for His Kingdom. We believe that youth can influence their world no matter their age and that God desires to work through them.

Where Will You Find Us?
Where Will You Find Us?

You will find us gathering together weekly for our youth class diving into the Word of God

You will find our teen guys gathering throughout the semester for focused studies on how to be Godly men and leaders.

You will find our teen gals gathering together and growing deeper as they learn to apply Godly principles to their lives.

You will find us faithfully attending statewide youth services and conferences. www.coloradoym.org

You will find us in attendance at North American Youth Congress. A internationally attended youth conference that lasts over 3 days and fills NFL stadiums with 40k teens. northamericanyouthcongress.com

You will find us on the mission fields, serving in many different capacities both within North America and around the globe on our Apostolic Youth Corp. trips.
Apostolic Youth Corps | HIS MESSAGE. MY MISSION apostolicyouthcorps.com

You will find us investing in Move the Mission (MTM). MTM is a youth focused offering where teens are encouraged to use their gifting’s to invest in the lives of people they may never meet. movethemission.com