Growth Groups

“Small groups are not a ministry of the church, small groups are not a program of the church, small groups are not an outreach of the church, small groups are not an event of the church, small groups are the church.”
- Rick Warren

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Trustworthy - Hyphen Girls
Trustworthy - Hyphen Girls

When hard times come and it seems God is deviating from the plan we assume our lives should follow, we’re much more likely to wnt to tame God, not trust Him. It’s then that we begin to press into our own ways and our own timing. No human can carry the weight of being their own god, but so many of us try.

Los Benditos Vida - Miércoles
Los Benditos Vida - Miércoles

Nuestra cultura está saturada de enseñanzas falsas sobre lo que significa ser bendecido, pero ¿qué dice la Biblia al respecto? ¿Cómo podemos realmente vivir vidas bendecidas? Con humor, pasión y claridad, Robert Morris presenta los secretos para vivir una vida bendecida tanto financiera como espiritualmente.

Independence is Overrated - Wednesday
Independence is Overrated - Wednesday

Surrender our independence? The idea runs counter to a culture that celebrates individuality. Yet discipleship demands a life of surrender. This book works to resolve this tension, offering practical instruction to help us on our discipleship journey. Believers who apply the principles in this book to their daily lives will experience true Christian growth as they come to realize that independence is overrated.

The Journey Within - Wednesday
The Journey Within - Wednesday

We will embark on a transformative journey rooted in Biblical principles, guiding individuals from a state of brokenness to restoration. Our exploration will delve into themes like “Broken by Others,” “Broken by Self” and “Healed by Self.” While acknowledging the inherent reluctance to embrace change within our human nature, we understand that transformation often commences when the pain outweighs the fear of change

Financial Peace - Hyphen
Financial Peace - Hyphen

Financial Peace is a life changing course that teaches you how to crush debt, invest in your future and win with money by implementing Biblical principles. Learn how to handle money God’s way!

Los Benditos Vida - Viernes
Los Benditos Vida - Viernes

Nuestra cultura está saturada de enseñanzas falsas sobre lo que significa ser bendecido, pero ¿qué dice la Biblia al respecto? ¿Cómo podemos realmente vivir vidas bendecidas? Con humor, pasión y claridad, Robert Morris presenta los secretos para vivir una vida bendecida tanto financiera como espiritualmente.

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“The New Testament model for a healthy church is large group worship and small group fellowship.”
- Rick Warren